It can't be Matilda day again already!
Also, could I have some paper-writing-ma? I need to put this thing in the mail before 5, and I still need to finish two lesson plans, review all 12, and write a two-page (single-spaced) paper. And teach four classes.
Ugh. Rainy and grey here. Plus, I couldn't drive because there's an event today, and my parking lot got co-opted. It wasn't that bad, but STILL. I pay for the damn space, I wanted to use it today! I am leaving at 4 to go buy shoes.
Paper-writing ~ma for Emily!
can I have a little health~ma? I've got some weird stuff going on, and I can't get in to see a dr. at the practice I was going to on a sick visit because I'm a new patient and my first appointment (that I made in July) is in December. I have a couple calls out to see if I can get in somewhere faster. I think it is all stress-related - I hope so. It is freaking me out and I'm now super-frustrated with doctors and CYA crap yet again.
I've got some weird stuff going on, and I can't get in to see a dr. at the practice I was going to on a sick visit because I'm a new patient and my first appointment (that I made in July) is in December.
You can't get in to see your doctor even though you are sick? WTF??? What does the doctor's office suggest you do?
Also, I can see if my doctor friend is around if you need some information. I mean, 2nd hand internet diagnosing isn't always accurate but she may be able to help ease your mind some.
If they are like doctors around here "if it is an emergency, call 911". Fuckers.
2nd hand internet diagnosing isn't always accurate but she may be able to help ease your mind some.
likely better than what I'm doing right now.
You can't get in to see your doctor even though you are sick?
They are jack hammering just outside the window from my office. I call work-foul and want to go home.
I'm sorry that I have been spamming the thread so much with mememe lately, but TCG's step-grandmother is back in the hospital. She may have had a heart attack, and she is definitely bleeding internally. They're running more tests today to find out where she is bleeding from. Can I have some ~ma for her.
Plus, I couldn't drive because there's an event today, and my parking lot got co-opted.
Well, that's ridiculous--what if you lived far away? What the hell are you supposed to do then, and why do you pay for the space if they can just coopt it??
Me, I got up for an 8AM telecon, hit snooze several times, kicked the girl out of bed, sent her off to work, made myself some tea, sat down to the computer all ready to go...and realized that was last week, and this week I don't have anything until 9AM. So, not late enough to go back to bed or anything, but I'm still grumpy. I could've snuggled longer. Or at least made her get up and slept longer.
Sox, doctor's appointments and the getting of them, is stupid.