Thanks, y'all.
all was well until David left to drive them back to their hotel and Matilda realized that DADDY HAD LEFT WITH THAT OTHER BABY.
Cue forty minutes of hideous tantrum: roaring, crying so hard the tears were literally squirting off her face, pounding and kicking on the front door, snarling, "DADDY! DADDY!" in a horrid Exorcist!baby voice,
Oh, poor Matilda. And poor JZ!
On the plus side, Matilda slept through the night and woke up unsurprised to see me.
She's now rummaging through the latest box of clothes from Stephanie (Thank you!) and picking out a pretty dress for all today's social activities.
Oh, you are very welcome! I'm glad they made it safely (you should have two boxes). As I told Cash, I have a hard time giving away Ellie's clothes but I like doing it when I'm sending it to someone I know.
Crying wears the little boos out. Can't wait to see them today.
Called DH this morning. We're getting another visit from Rotorooter--this one courtesy of Olivia. When C said, ")ou may know my wife" Brad, the Rotorooter dude asked, "How's Owen?"
Rotorooter dude asked, "How's Owen?"
Hehehe. I'm sorry, that is just too funny. They should name one of their snakes for him, he's probably keeping them profitable.
I laughed my ass off, sail. DH said he spent an hour sternly reminding Liv that "we don't play in the potty!"
Brad is cool and really awesome about getting to our house promptly.
This is 100% Ellie. "Frisco, do not kick me. It's not nice."
This is 100% Ellie. "Frisco, do not kick me. It's not nice."
She needs to talk to Matilda on this issue.