Having gone from severely underweight as a kid, to the point where the doctor advocated my eating raw eggs and steak in order to put some weight on me, to being a jock and very active, to very overweight (as in 250 pounds on a 5'2 1/2" frame), and then finally back to something approximating a normal weight for my frame and body type, I have no patience for medical experts who say that it's all a matter of willpower or you must be doing something wrong or you're lying.
So if'n y'all want, I'm very happy to take Bertha the Big Baseball Bat to anyone. Regardless of weight, I've always had a helluva swing.
Sean, I'm sorry things have been so rough for you lately. I hope the situation is resolved soon.
you made such a great impression
Thank you. That's crazy talk, but thank you.
Indeed. Poor Deena was stuck in a plane next to me for hours on the way to SF.
That was awesome, Laura. I had no time to get nervous beforehand.
I would like Vortex's personality, please.
I just wanted to hang near her, but then I was afraid she'd think I was going to light-finger her coat, which was almost as awesome as she is.
Wanting downtime or personal space was selfish and therefore sinful
My parents were the ministers, and both are extroverts; so I got this all the time. Not wanting to go bowling on the day of my brother's funeral (so we could all have some fun and take our mind off of things) really pissed everyone off (my siblings are extroverts too).
I don't really want to be groped by anyone, even my invisible online friends.
I know everyone's already answered this, but I wanted to add that I saw no gropeage or anything out-of-the-ordinary- uncomfortable-making except the stripy tights and candy bra (which didn't make me uncomfortable, but was definitely out of my ordinary).
I keep being told that to lose weight I need to exercise more. Of course, I can't actually do much more. I'm trying to maintain what little I can do, which my current crop of doctors seem to understand.
The recent visit with the neurologist was cool. He was such a sweet guy and wanted so badly to help me but really had nothing he could do except tell me all these things that might help the insomnia, which he didn't really seem to think could be helped without some therapy.
I've been trying the stuff he suggested and I'm a basket case. Even more exhausted than usual, irritable and twitchy. It's been weird and frustrating.
I was finally approved for combo talk therapy woman/psychiatrist guy by the insurance for a whopping 8 visits... with an out of network provider. I didn't request and can't afford an out of network provider, so I have to go through it all again.
I was finally approved for combo talk therapy woman/psychiatrist guy by the insurance for a whopping 8 visits... with an out of network provider. I didn't request and can't afford an out of network provider, so I have to go through it all again.
As someone who apparantly is willing to put up with asshat brain doctor behavior due to the pain of finding someone who MIGHT be better, I feel your pain. Ugh! That just sucks.
Look at all the Deena love.
Cash and Deb just stopped by to catch the Dylan and Matilda show.
Which turned into the Dylan goes to sleep show and the Matilda counting to three and jumping off the table show.
We gave shit to Cash about how this report would look to her husband: "I had a great trip to San Francisco. I played with two toddlers!"
What's really hilarious about the weight issue, is that aside from other fat people, the ones I get real understanding from are the superskinny types whose metabolisms are trying to eat the rest of their bodies. I'm not entirely certain, but I think they find it slightly easier to get a doctor to believe, "Yes, I really am eating a lot; no, I don't have anorexia." But they know how a screwed up metabolism can work against one - and they look at me and think, "Geez, another screwed up metabolism. Too bad we can't take the average and both be healthier."
The Deena love makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.
I'm betting Cash will not want to tell her husband about that part of the trip.
but then I was afraid she'd think I was going to light-finger her coat, which was almost as awesome as she is.
In all fairness, it was really an amazing coat... Nearly as impressive as Vortex herself.