Head nods to all the conversation above.
But I have to add a @)(&(^%#@ to AT&T Wireless. They are trying to hit me with a $1,500 charge - $300 deposit per phone - for transferring my phone numbers from California to Colorado. No warning, no notice this would be a related cost. When I asked about shifting the numbers I was told there would be "no change to my account/contract" other than the new numbers.
I have talked with 3 different people. A gal is trying to solve the problem for me. I have her name and her bosses name and she is supposed to call me back when it is resolved. But WTF?!?!?!?!?
They are trying to hit me with a $1,500 charge - $300 deposit per phone - for transferring my phone numbers from California to Colorado.
Note to self: ditch AT&T if moving out of state. That is warped, yo.
I called and asked ALL KINDS of questions before transitioning just so their wouldn't be any surprises. Well, f*ck me.
Suzi, if this doesn't get resolved, check Consumerist for advice how to escalate effectively. They have a lot of info for going to the top or Executive Email Carpet Bomb info. you can run a search at Consumerist.com on AT&T.
I think we mostly just use "grope" as shorthand.
This. Seriously. It gets talked about and laughed about and played up because it's fun, but really, there's rarely anything going on that passes a PG rating.
Consumerist lists:
Cellphones, executive customer service, readers, telephony, att
Reach AT&T Wireless Executive Customer Service
MaryMichelle Timbang
AT&T Wireless, HQ - Office of the President
Executive Customer Service
Skipped a bunch to say:
Also I think the touchy.kissy stuff is pretty much all at the prom. The dinerr.outings. hanging out is very low key and friendly and fun.
What Scrappy said.
Stephanie, the groping/kissing/inappropriate picture stuff pretty much ONLY happens the night of the prom, after WAY TOO MUCH ALCOHOL has been consumed, and ONLY by the people who want to participate, really.
Basically, us sluts just kind of stand in the middle and let the gropers/kissers/snoggers come to us.
It's a scrum of snogging!
Also, I am home.
Never thought I'd be so glad to see brown foliage/brown air.
This. Seriously. It gets talked about and laughed about and played up because it's fun, but really, there's rarely anything going on that passes a PG rating.
I'll lay money any party at the Romantic Times Booklovers Convention *spits three times to ward off the evil* is way raunchier than any F2F