I'm actually laughing my ass off at the Introvert Roll Call, because -- seriously, if we are ALL introverts, the F2F wouldn't have been stressful for me.
Hah! I would totally take the blame for that but for nto having been at teh SFF2F.
Also, those Mensa stickers sound great, except that while I'm a big hugger...dude. The people who go to Mensa meetings? I am SOOOO not inviting hugs. I am ALWAYS saying ask first.
Hey! I didn't straddle anyone in Vegas! (Did I?)
Sniff. Well, you COULD"VE. IJS.
Yeah, I'm a big hugger but I'd Nev. Uh. wear a sticker like that.
It's affection, people, not some sort or rote behavior. Engage me an' stuff.
Sniff. Well, you COULD"VE. IJS.
It's like she wasn't even trying!
It's affection, people, not some sort or rote behavior. Engage me an' stuff.
I'm amusing myself with the image of a t-shirt with words the size of FRANKIE SAY RELAX that says HUG ME NOW!
Teppy is a font of all sort of useful and fascinating information. Like unto a portal to a different world.
Hey, what the shit? That's a Dinosaur Comics shirt. They can't just sell it on their site like that! C— Can they?
Teppy is a font of all sort of useful and fascinating information. Like unto a portal to a different world.
I would kick ass on Jeopardy, I tell you what.
I'm amusing myself with the image of a t-shirt with words the size of FRANKIE SAY RELAX that says HUG ME NOW!
Ahahahahaha!!!!! That's even better!
Sniff. Well, you COULD"VE. IJS.
It's like she wasn't even trying! heh
We were waltzing! Right into the pit boss! I felt further hijinx might be cause for us getting banninated.