I'm another person with firm no-grope/no-snogging boundaries (stealth backrubs, OTOH, are welcome and encouraged) who has had no trouble at all at F2Fs. Most of the wildest stuff that happened at the F2Fs I've been to? I didn't even know about until weeks later, when Hec started prodding the participants for all the good gossip and sharing it with me.
I'm also another shy person frequently mistaken for a snob; add in a layer of still-not-terribly-clueful-about-casual-social-interactions and a large helping of Susan's issues with Too Much Noise, and you get, well, an ugly mess. I'm horrible at large events unless I can find a quiet corner, and I'm horrible at events where I don't know anyone very well. I'm pretty sure that if I do anything very evil in this life, my personal eternal hell will be an SRO heavy metal stadium concert Event, in the middle of a crowd composed equally of people I sort of know from work and large, vaguely angry-looking chain-smoking strangers.
F2Fs, though? I definitely do better with the tiny one or two out-of-towners ones, but even the big ones are infinitely better and less stressful than, well, just about any non-Buffista Big Event I've ever been to.
As Scrappy notes, the best part of F2F is just being able to walk into rooms (or out of them) and seeing people you like.
At the SF2F, Scola and I took off for lunch, ran into Cass on the street, collected her, said hi to TomW who was heading to his work conference and like that.
Though I'm always put out when people ditch Prom, I do know enough about my Buffistas to plan ahead and arrange private outings with the more introverted. Which is why I took Fay to get her hair cut, and we had a long talk over lunch about street theater, and went pub hopping with Nora, and I dragged brenda to the Zam Zam and had a brunch with Teppy and trimmed Amy's hair on my back porch (which turned out to be a group event as a lot of folks just wandered over to our house that Sunday, which was nice and low key).
Extrovert Outlier
I didn't straddle anyone in Vegas! (Did I?)
I thought what happened in Vegas stayed in Vegas.
This seems as a good a time as any to link to my epic post about the SF2F. Ah, memories.
I thought what happened in Vegas stayed in Vegas.
a) Have you been reading my journal the past few days??
b) That's only because we killed copious amounts of brain cells with giant, rum-filled, smoking drinks called Warp Core Breach and Borgsphere.
giant, rum-filled, smoking drinks called Warp Core Breach and Borgsphere.
Just looking at pictures of those made me feel tipsy. Dang!
I never drink shit that's on fire. Good things do not happen (and yes, I understand that it was not technically
en fuego
, but shit that's smoking is close enough.
Warp Core Breach
So very yummy.
And not on fire - kept cold with dry ice.
I thought what happened in Vegas stayed in Vegas.
pfft we're telling the whole internet!
The Warp Core Breach and the Blogshpere did not make me drunk. I think I did not have as much of them as i thought I did. The many rum & gingerales the night before are another story.