Happy birthdays to Jen and Meara!!
I will xTh the call for pictures of MM's car melt down. Also, did it make a cool sound? Did you get a recording of it??
Pix K., how ya doing? Hope pain is subsiding and you are sleeping wonderfully dreaming dreamy dreams of ripping off ND skirt and snuggling all night uninterrupted by anything the outside world could possibly dream of throwing at you.
Sean, I'm comfortable enough with my hetero-ness to give you a big bear hug! Dude. So much strength to you. Reminds me of a friend who was starting divorce talk with exH, and he wrecked the car to try and woo her back, and before that, had a 'work accident' where he lit up a solder torch in the hold of a ship where fuel was leaking and got burned a bit. he was doing anything to try and win her pity/affection again. Thankfully she saw through it after the car accident. Not saying S is doing that, god no. But, good for you for standing your ground. Aw shit, I'm babbling. I need more sleep. {{{{ SEAN }}}}}
Me three. Get it straight, people! Metaphorical meltdowns call for punctuational hugs; literal meltdowns call for flickr sets!Cracked me UP!
This morning I drove past a guy who was wearing a long-sleeved blue sweatshirt, a red vest and a red & blue cap but when I first glimpsed him I thought he was Spider-Man. Yes, I am a geek.I shit you not, the other week, rehearsal was on campus at SMU, and as I was driving thru campus, there was a guy dressed as Super Man. I shit you not! Tight blue jeans, a blue shirt with a very homemade red S on it, and a nasty red cape. Adult. Not kid. Not college student. Like late 30's or so. Dunno what his story was, but I nearly wrecked the car as both me and the designer cranked our heads to get a second look as we coasted by. All I could think was "Welcome to Dallas! We got crazy folk here too!"
So? does it count as lunch if you eat at 4:00? I'm kinda sick of tech right now. Just open the damn show. It's getting standing ovations for gawd sakes. t /whiny tired grumpy sound guy