Damn, Kristin. Sorry about the rough night. I have to be at SCR at 10, but I would happily run up there and keep you company for 20 minutes, if you need me to.
Also, get ahold of me if you need anything. It's a crazy busy day, but if you're still in the hospital when I get done at the Pasadena Playhouse, I will come visit.
Also, David...
You should drop me an email at my profile addy and let me know what your schedule is for the weekend, because I really want to see you while you're here.
Windsparrow - I emailed my sewing genius sister-in-law with your question. I will post what she says.
Feel better and good medical news~ma to Kristin.
Me, I got nuttin.
Andi, I absolutely suck at cutting, but I've never had any reason to think it's ADD-related. Imperfect tools (the scissors groove in the stores would be ideal, but don't underestimate the effect of trying to cut on smaller/lighter/less stable tables!) is more than enough to have that effect.
amych, I misinterpreted your use of 'cutting'. Thank goodness. (I
really glad you suck at it, though.)
Hey Suzi, hey Daisy.
Sorry about that, Cindy! Didn't mean to alarm!
{{{Kristin}}} I hope you are home and sleeping soundly now. What a night!
Job~ma to Tom.
Cat~ma to beth.
Hey all. Quick note because my phone is dying. CT scan confirmed this was a ruptured cyst that was complicated by minor hemmoraging. Rest, motrin, and vicoden are the plan for the next few days. Looks like I won't be seeing the kids until Tuesday. I'm praying I'm well enough by Friday to go in and work on my classroom at least a little. It's not going to be ready to teach in otherwise. I'm exhausted, but happy that they're discharging me this morning. I plan to go home and collapse since I haven't slept in more than 24 hours at this point.
Sean, thanks for your offer. I'll be home, so I should be okay so long as I can scrounge food up from somewhere.
Let me know if there's anything I can do.