Kristin, I hope you feel better soon and the doctors & hospital get you home soon so you can rest. You are not callus for wishing the moaning would stop -- thinking about yourself and what you need when you're in pain and nearly sleepless is right and normal.
My day would be stellar if that one librarian finally resigns so we can move on -- also, I really want her office as my own. I'm not sure how she ended up with the corner office, but it will soon be MINE ALL MINE.
Sending medical~ma to Kristin, with a side of socks to stuff in noisy neighbors' mouths - clean socks because, after all, it is a hospital.
Massive amounts of ~ma for Kristin this morning. I hope they have done their test, administered the good drugs, and that peaceful sleep happens soon. {{Drew}} I hope you got some rest too.
Trashy Book covers fun.
Kristin, I hope you get some relief! Glad you went to the ER.
That gyno sign caused an OJ spray. It burns the nose!
I made the mistake of blowing out some eggs for the kids to paint the shells and now they want me to do it will all of them. At $4 a dozen for organic, vegan raised eggs, this is not a good idea.
That gyno sign caused an OJ spray. It burns the nose!
It was fortunate that I was not sipping coffee at the time.
Barb, I just finally clicked the links you posted. HMOG are those awesome! I needed that laugh.
My niece, nephew and BiL playing at Rocky Mountain Fiddle Camp: [link]
I have a soft spot for the first part ("Scotland") because of the faux bag-pipe sound, and in the second part for the twin fiddles. I've got one for the kids, too, of course.
You know, I quite like teaching stuff. I'm not so big on the supervising and scolding thing. That gets old.
Ugh, sorry for the shitty night, Kristin. Good luck with the contrast- I just had to deal with it a couple weeks ago, and it was no fun whatsoever. I hope they can figure out what's wrong, and quickly.
ION, bleh. Tom is really, really down at a time he needs to be (but I know is especially difficult to be) much more confident. He's having a shitty week. He has an interview this afternoon, which I hope goes well, so that it boosts his confidence a LOT, but I actually am not thrilled about the location of the company, so I am conflicted. I do hope it goes well. Any extra job~ma directed Tom-ward at about 1pm EST would be greatly appreciated.
Kristin --more ma~~~~~ so you can sleep
and some to ND as well