omg Pix!!!! {{{{{ }}}}} What the hell universe??? Back off the Pasadena people already, will ya!
Just popping in to say, after one of the longer tech processes I've had in a long time, we have finally tech'd to the end of the show. It's gonna be ROCKING! Now, hopefully, I will be able to get some sleep soon... please! (maybe Thursday night I can go home at show time...maybe). IMHO, it's one of the better show's I've worked on. It sounds great! And I like it (vs ALNM last year with Drew, which sounded GREAT, but didn't interest me in the least).
OK, back into the breech. We gotta make it rain for the finale... with 15 people in wireless mic's and wireless monitors. Ya. Joy.
{{{Kristin}}} I hope you're ok. ER sucks but pain sucks more.
Lovely lunch with SailAweigh today and a trip with Owen to a really cool toy store. Owen wore his cape (a dish towel clipped on) all day today. We learned not a whole lot of new information at the developmental pediatrician at the University of Wisconsin's Child Development Clinic. But we do have a medical professional's opinion of Owen being on the autism spectrum. Where exactly, is still yet to be determined. He's too young for neuro-psych testing.
As long as I get the capital GREAT.
The pain seems to have calmed itself enough that I may be okay for the night. I'm going to give it another 30 minutes or so and then make a decision. Blah.
you want Sacramento? um. ok.
Kristen, I hope you feel better soon!
ION: Human exoskeleton suit helps paralyzed people walk.
The reporter in the video says it will come with a "hefty" price tag of $20,000 when it comes out in 2010.
Um, $20K for a paraplegic to walk again? Bargain.
Damn, Kristin. I hate that you are in such pain. I wish I could come kick your Urgent Care doctor's butt for not giving you something stronger than Motrin.
Andi, yeah, that's what's upsetting me the most. I really wouldn't need to go to the ER for anything other than the pain. If I had better drugs, I'd be fine. Grr.
Wish I could send you a couple of my Tramadols.