Kristin...sending you much healing ~ma. Hoping you feel better soon!
My theory is that those conversations happen in the car because not only is there no chance of eye contact, there is no chance the parent will be able to hand you a Helpful, Yet Mortifying, Book.
Very close to what I was thinking.
ION: Went to a meeting about National Board Certification today. As of right now I am the only teacher in my county considering NBCT and the state/county isn't providing financial assistance for the cost of the process.
The guy who ran the meeting was a teacher at my school for 20+ years before accepting a job at the county level. He was an amazing social studies teacher and was a real loss for our school. He was really encouraging. Included in our conversation was him telling me that I was one of the teachers he missed seeing, that he felt I was a talented teacher and that he felt I would have a good shot as getting NBCT the first time. (made me all warm and fuzzy)
My favorite part of the meeting, though, was him telling me that when DD was still teaching and was at our school, DD had to use his classroom one year. According to my friend, DD wasn't much of a teacher and he wasn't impressed by DD's classes, methods or management. Absolutely made my day.
hair pats, Pix
Headache is setting in. Ugh. Must get meds and crash.
The doctor thinks it's probably a ruptured ovarian cyst. Not kidney or bladder infection or stones or appendicitis, he doesn't think, but still. Ow. Four hours of waiting for "Take this Motrin and go to the ER if it gets worse...oh, and go see your regular doctor sometime soon for a follow-up." Seriously? Dude, at least give me some decent drugs! This shit hurts!
Four hour wait for process of elimination. Bitch, please-- our girl needs some drugs, dammit. At least give her the Tylenol with coedine.
(((Kristin))) Feel better.
Motrin???? WTF, Hospital???
he's giving you Motrin for a ruptured ovarian cyst?! WTF is with the medical profession? seriously.
That's absurd. I shake my fist at him, Kristin. I can't believe he couldn't tell you definitively, either. be fair on that account. they'd have to a pelvic ultrasound to see it if it's a ruptured cyst. however, the hospital is equipped with those. so...
Thanks for the sympathy, loves.
It was urgent care, not the hospital. I think he didn't think my pain was emergent enough to justify sending me to the ER. To be fair, I wasn't in as much pain then--it had subsided for a bit. Now that I'm back home, I feel like someone is stabbing me through the back into my ovary with an ice pick. Man does this suck.
I took my first dose of 800 mg of ibuprofen and am really hoping I will feel some relief shortly.