It sounds like an ovarian cyst. They usually resolve on their own, but you may need an ultrasound to see how it's behaving. I know from personal experience that nobody wants a ruptured ovarian cyst. It was a useful experience for me, in that whatever happens to me, it's never as painful as a ruptured ovarian cyst.
If you have a fever, get thee post-haste to the ER, because there's always the possibility of appendicitis. (Unless you don't have your appendix anymore. Then never mind.)
yes PixKristin, if the pain is persisting or getting worse I think it's time to see your doc.
Kristin, call your doctor. If the pain is also in your back it could bea kidney infection.
Has anyone ever ordered from Sierra Trading They have a cute top I like, but i'm hesitant to order from a website I don't know.
I think someone just mentioned it in Betsy's lj the other day. Can't remember if it was someone from around here though.
Has anyone ever ordered from Sierra Trading
Yes. I even used to order from them back when they were just a dense, hard-to-read catalog. They're good.
Kristin, call your doc. I had symptoms like that when I had a kidney stone, but it could be a number of things. Get it checked out.
I think that I would have had a mysterious coughing fit.
I had one of those last year when one of my students walked into class right after Health. He looked a bit green and I asked him if he was okay. He responded vehemently, “No, I’m not okay. I just watched that birthing video and it makes me want to never have sex.”
After my coughing fit, I said, “Don’t you appreciate your mom even more now?” He stared at me with the most appalled look on his face. I outright laughed at that one.
I called my doctor, and she sent me to urgent care because she can't fit me in today. So here I am. Apparently there's a minimum of a two hour wait. I don't know if I can deal with this pain for two more hours. Damn. The pain comes and goes, but it's pretty bad when it comes. I felt awful the whole way here. Thanks for advice and hand holding, all.
I'm sending you Mom's signature healing thoughts, i.e. thinking of you in a blue light, Kristin.
I don't know if I can deal with this pain for two more hours.
Babe, I'm sure I'm stating the obvious here, but if you're not sure you can deal with the pain for two more hours, then you made the right decision in calling your doc and heading to an urgent care.
Please, hang in there until you can see someone.