But I had to laugh when she got her review and got a perfect score on "Sets Clear Boundaries"
You and me both. HA!
Fashion question...for my internship interview today, can I get away with wearing nice sandals, or do I need to wear real shoes?
I think sandals would be OK, as long as they aren't flip flops or anything.
They are these in black: [link]
I think that works. However, others more versed in the niceties of professionalism may want to chime in!
Ack, Emily! That is badfic dreaming.
It's never clear to me who thinks sandals are a problem. You might want to go closed-toe to be safe. It's like waitpersons introducing themselves, I think -- some people think it's awful and completely inappropriate, and others don't see why it's an issue at all.
That's my long-winded answer. Now to go work. Don't wanna!
What type of internship, vw?
What a stupid damn dream. It's not just bad fanfiction, it's the kind of sappy dumb fanfiction I hate. They might as well have been dying of cancer and refusing to speak to each other while casting longing looks and getting pregnant by 15-foot penises on sentient cat-people. Shape up, brain!
You forgot the sex pollen.
[link] Eben Brooks and Alison Lonsdale take on LOLcats and the Beatles at the same time.
What type of internship, vw?
I think I"m going to wear my Dansko Mary Janes...just to be safe.
Yeah, I think closed-toe is maybe the safer bet. I find the more outwardly creative the field, the more creative you can get with the clothing options.
Which is why it completely cracks my shit up to go to writers conferences and see people going to pitches wearing the black, pinstriped suit that hasn't seen the light of day since the early nineties.