happy flying SeanK! Also, {{SeanK}} +/- stuffing. And - points up to what Barb said.
Askye - what a PITA... sending many good Comcast vibes your way. Friday morning vote for who is worse - Comcast or Verizon?
I too like small groups over large parties. I'll look for a small group within a large gathering if I can. Mostly because smalltalk and I are not friends. And DH knows where to look if he can't find me - cushy reading chair with book.
::shudders at thought of houses with no books::
*waves to DCJ and Windsparrow from the Minneapolis airport*
Travel safely, Sean.
I've got a two hour layover myself so I'm having coffee and recharging the phone. I have my latest bio of Liz I and Leicester to read.
Have a good flight, Sean!
I missed Deena being here and lots of chatting!
I get drained being around anyone for too long, even friends and family, except TCG. Yesterday was so stressful, and I couldn't wait to just snuggle on the couch with him and watch TV. It makes everything ok again.
This is why I like you people.
I can't retreat to a bathroom. Knowing I'm in a room with (likely) a window too small to escape through (if there is one at all) means I'm trapped. Outside is good, but my own car or just leaving is better. I snapped like a twig at the F2F and then I did what people told me to do. I loved the opportunity to go out to dinner with Jilli, Pete, Epic, Fay, Suzi, and Matt, but was absolutely sure that I was some sort of gibbering babboon the whole time.
My people, Greg and the kids, are not as taxing as other people's people, but they still take energy I don't always have. I need to be around the humans sometimes, though--the grocery store usually does it for me. I can reach high things on shelves for little old ladies and talk about the weather with the cashier and then go home.
It's funny, Robin McKinley posted about being introverted on her LJ yesterday.
Hey you!
Went to bed with the pain, couldn't sleep, dozed for a couple of hours, just got up to eat some more meds and will soon try to sleep a little more before the punkin bunnies wake up.
Went to bed with the pain, couldn't sleep, dozed for a couple of hours, just got up to eat some more meds and will soon try to sleep a little more before the punkin bunnies wake up.
I hope the pain goes away and you get a little sleep. Give the punkin bunnies a hug for me.
I woke up with a headache and a benadryl hangover way too early this morning.
Thanks. I hope the headache and hangover go away pronto. I'm going to go try again, I think. My eyes are whining.
Feel better, Deena. Hope the sprog sleep very late for you.
Have a good flight, Cashmere.