Three in WA--one for emissions, one for DL, one for registration. I thought that was weird--why not registration at the same place as the driver's license?!? But nooooo...
Of course, so I did my registration and title at the same place, and they said they'd send my title in the mail. And I waited and waited. And was kind of freaking out for the past couple months that I hadn't gotten it. And had it on my to do list that I needed to figure out who to call to go "OMG, why haven't I gotten it could someone have stolen it out of my mailbox and secretly sold my car or something?!!?"
Of course, I was getting something out of my "box of important papers" this weekend, and there it was. Apparently I HAD gotten it in the mail, and filed it away, and COMPLETELY FORGOTTEN. And then been worrying about it for *months*. OY.
I was thinking, if you organize the storage area then you have a place to put stuff when you organize the office. Also I just realized that laundry and crochet can be combined.
I see two fun items on that list.
Two? What's the second? Laundry? This laundry is actually not so fun, because I need to wash the new comforter I bought, which requires a trip to the laundromat. And it's supposed to rain and thunder storm, so I'm not sure I want to do it today.
And quilting's not on the list because I just bought stuff for a new crochet project. I'll probably quilt tomorrow.
I was thinking, if you organize the storage area then you have a place to put stuff when you organize the office.
Actually, that's a really good point. I was going to do them the other way around, but that's a really good point.
Also I just realized that laundry and crochet can be combined.
Also a good point. I like the way you think! So, maybe I'll attack the storage area now and see if the weather clears up later to go to the laundromat.
oh tickybox! Can I change my vote?
(Omnis, tickybox is voting for the joy of putting a tick in the box)