Happy Birthday, Barb!
Five is tough, I agree. I only do it on the mornings I'm going to work out, though. Otherwise I get to sleep in until 6.
I'm off today so I can go to the dentist. There will be bad news because I haven't seen a dentist in almost 2 years and despite having wonderful dental care (except these two years) and meticulous home care, my saliva sucks or something and I can never get out of the chair without more work needing to be done.
Suzi, we hung pictures yesterday, too. Only we've been in the house since last December and the only thing we'd put on the walls was our ketubah. I'm also getting around to making some curtains for the bedrooms, which my DH hates (which is why I didn't ask him -- he'd have the windows open and uncovered all the time).
I'm a fan of open uncovered windows too.
Thanks to Nilly for the reminder...
Happy Anniversary to Jessica and DH!
Curtains can be drawn back, and most modern window frames are pretty bland, if framed at all.
I like open, screened windows, but I also prefer to have a way to block off said windows when I need to do so.
Thanks for the anniversary wishes, guys!
If we didn't have shades, the afternoon glare would make it impossible to watch TV.
ooh! happy birthday Barb! happy anniversary Jessica!
The Dread Pirate Clovis despises Logic and all the evil schemes he undoes.
Does this make Clovis a Republican? with the logic-averseness and such?
Happy anniversary, Jessica!
Yay anniversary!! Have a great one Jessica!
Happy anniversary, Jessica!
The article [link] in today's paper about the death of Fred Crane, who played one of the Tarleton twins on
Gone with the Wind,
says "Mr. Crane’s twin was played by George Bessolo, who changed his name to George Reeves and won fame as TV’s Superman."
I so did not know that. How did I miss it?
Happy birthday, Barb!!!
School starts today! In....15 minutes to be exact, so I'll see y'all on the flip side!