I did stop shy of saying "Bless your heart," however.
"Bless your heart" is Southern for "You couldn't get a clue during clue mating season wearing clue musk, doing the clue mating dance in a field full of horny clues, but I'm too polite to say that OR question your parentage out loud", isn't it?
And AUGH, no it was most assuredly not Dr. Sam Beckett's corporeal body that made the leaps. It was his spirit/consciousness/soul because otherwise, it wouldn't make any sense, you half-witted, two-toned raving moron!
Um, I'm kind of afraid to contradict you, but I think his actual body did make the leap. There was an episode where he played a guy whose legs had been amputated, but Sam could still stand.
That's a good point (and I'd forgotten about that episode, actually) but think about it-- how often did he leap into the bodies of women? Plus, the whole construct of him always looking for a mirror or reflective surface in which to check himself out.
And ETA: I'd be a lot more reasonable about arguing the point with the idjit in question if she wasn't such a damned, smug, name-dropping know-it-all about everything.
I suspect that it may have been a retcon, actually, because the episodes where it really became important were later in the show, when it was kind of...sucking.
And by all means, trounce the idiot.
Her claim is that the show was ambivalent about that point early on in the show, which affected how the novel tie-ins were written. (She wrote a few of them, therefore, she is An Expert in All Things Quantum Leap.)
If anything, the show was clearer about that distinction earlier in the show.
(She wrote a few of them, therefore, she is An Expert in All Things Quantum Leap.)
Ooooh. How funny. I just unpacked all of my books, and I was eyeing the QL novelizations, which I haven't touched in years. I should probably get rid of them.
Didn't the corporeal body of the person he leapt into end up in the lab in the future? Was that only in the later sucky shows?
And AUGH, no it was most assuredly not Dr. Sam Beckett's corporeal body that made the leaps. It was his spirit/consciousness/soul because otherwise, it wouldn't make any sense, you half-witted, two-toned raving moron!
Hmm. Well, there was the one episode where they were pretty certain he fathered a child. But on the other hand, his body was definitely still hanging out at Project Quantum Leap, since, in the episode where he leaped into the guy holding the woman and little girl hostage, the crazy criminal guy was in Sam's body back at the project. I think that his body leaped when that made it convenient for whatever plot point they wanted.
they weren't stressing too much about continuity in the Quantum Leap writers' room.