So proud of DH. While I was putting the kids in bed, he pulled out the media cabinet and methodically checked the input plugs. Seems some had come loose.
It was a testament to how frustrated I was with him that I chose the bedtime dance with Olivia over working on the entertainment center.
Laura is very HOT (and thinky).
Welcome home, Hil!
the new movie 'Hamlet 2,' which we might need to go see as a department, methinks.
Another reason for wishing Hub and I lived closer to ND and Pix...grrrrrrr. All of my wonderful, theatre geeky, friends don't live close enough to plan a night at 'Hamlet 2'. Also, with my luck, it won't even come to this area.
Welcome back to Florida, Laura! It's a tropical sauna here. (I know, it's Florida what should I expect) Can someone please send us some better weather?
really big show going on here.
The set up:
So, we have 15 actors (not counting the young Tommy's), and 5 band members. Everyone is wired up 10 ways to sunday. Wireless guitars (2 + a bass), wireless mics (19 of them), wireless in-ear monitors (think iPod but is playing the mix of the show live directly into their ears). Everyone has 2 packs on their back, the band has three. The band is acting in a Greek Chorus manner. It is very cool. The set is a bit industrial in nature, with multi levels, bridges, stairs, and water all over and under the apron, the whole nine yards.
The incident:
The choreographer is asking Chris, lead guitar, if he can hop up on the side bridge (about 3 feet off the deck and over water) in the section with no railing, so he can go up to the center bridge for the solo in Pinball Wizard. He's like "ya that'd be awesome" (think spotlight 10 feet over everyone else). In one motion is partially slings the guitar out of the way of the bridge, and reaches up to pull himself up, and proceeds to strip the wireless transmitter from the strap.. KERPLUNK it falls in the water!
Me? I'm in the back row happy to finally have internet working for a few minutes, and finish the e-mail I was working on. Ain't nothing I can do for that puppy now. I let my minions handle it. Everyone was like "you were so calm!" What can I do about it now. It's in the past. Tomorrow I'll pick up new and GOOD pouches for all guitarists.
So, on a 10 minute break, we are outside chatting. Me and my ass't are teasing the band with various "cool" ways we could mic their amps to make them sound "better". The lead guitarists says in his quiet subdued manner "um, I'm no expert, but I don't think that would sound good". With out a beat, I retort, "well it sounds better than it would with a dunked transmitter". The whole group was like "OOOOOOoohhhhhh!!!!". He tried to slink away. It was classic.
The show is really looking good! DJ, since you are the only one in the area, when can you see it? It looks like I get 2 comps a night for the first 2 weeks, or 6 stand-bys for opening. Let me know when you and hubby wanna come. (ps, bring ear plugs, it gets loud)
Whoah Laura--and you thought YOUR boys were tall--this kid's over seven feet in 6th grade! Apparently they can't figure out why, though.
I woke up this morning (or, rather, at noon) with a headache, and ended up sleeping all afternoon on the couch. Now I'm debating if I have the energy to go out dancing. I'm kinda meh about it--loud music and flashing lights don't sound like a great idea, but I also dont' really want to have just sat around my house all day. Harumph! Wish I had other options for seeing people. Oh well. I think I'm going to bail, I just don't feel like it'd be a good plan.
Also, with my luck, it won't even come to this area.
It probably won't even come here, GG. Freakin' repressed corner of the damned state.
All I can picture here is Eddie Izzard in "Glorious," doing his bit on Prince Philip's habit of making horrible gaffes: ""You're all fuckers, why don't you all piss off? Your problem is you're all foreigners. Bye!"
The horror of it is, he really IS pretty much that bad! Or at least - clearly he has a staff who manage to leap into the breach most of the time, but left to his own devices he comes up with things like: "What ho, young British people who are working in China - you'd better not stay here too long, or you'll get slitty eyes! Ho ho ho!" He's...special. Oh yes.
(On behalf of my namesake, I'd like to apologise to Florida. Sorry, Florida!)
Back to school tomorrow! Ack!
It probably won't even come here, GG. Freakin' repressed corner of the damned state.
It is playing a number of places down here, but I see it is also all over Orlando. I'd be willing to drive 3 hours north if GG and Barb would like to rendezvous in Orlando for some Hamlet 2.
Back to school tomorrow! Ack!
Parent view: Back to school tomorrow! Yay!
I'd be willing to drive 3 hours north if GG and Barb would like to rendezvous in Orlando for some Hamlet 2.
I'm in, Orlando is 2-2.5 hours. A mini-F2F...made of awesomeness.
Back to school tomorrow! Ack!
Hope it goes well, Fay!
(On behalf of my namesake, I'd like to apologise to Florida. Sorry, Florida!)
We forgive you. And we would like to apologize for the Weather Bureau abusing your good name by attaching it to the storm.
I have stuff I want to get done before it gets hot today. Someone tell me to get to work.
I made my list! That's a start, right?
I'm in
Woo! We'll make a plan.
Now to round up my crew and get to Fort Lauderdale to the IMAX. We are meeting my MIL there as an extension of the Bobby birthday celebration. Don't know if other relatives are joining us. Much of the family lives there.