Exactly. He can't deliver southern states or working class whites, and he won't energize Hilary supporters.
Hmm, I don't really agree. First off, I think the idea of a vp pick delivering southern states in the first place is myth - has it actually happened since Johnson? But he probably does mean PA is much, much more certain territory, and he does have a lot of union/working class pull. As to Hillary supporters you may be right, but he does have solid cred on women's issues, much more than some of the other names that were bandied about. (Kaine, Webb, etc.) I don't know that he'd have been my first pick, but I'm pretty optimistic about this. (Plus, he's a lot of fun on the stump.)
has it actually happened since Johnson?
Nope. And Johnson only delivered Texas, and from what I understand, that was more of a state party machine thing than a great regional popular love-fest. If this election cycle breaks apart the whole nasty solid south business (which, incidentally, I really think it might), it's because Obama himself has huge support here compared to any recent Dem candidate I can remember, not because of any pandering he could've done with the VP pick.
Happy birthday, Erin!!!
Tropical Storm Fay can leave now. More rain dumped on this area today. I think I might have to build a boat.
Yesterday, DH and I ventured out during some of the lighter weather. I ended up doing some shopping and found a great solid black skirt, a black skirt with white embellishment and an odd asymmetric hem, and a great black jacket with white embroidery.
I was just complaining about this in my LJ, but I'm feeling unhappy. Joe and I have been invited, at the last minute, to these peoples' house. I like them and all but I get the feeling that our kids are sort of not exactly wanted, if that makes sense. But all I really want to do is take the kids and go get ice cream or something.
They should know that parents who receive last-minute invitations don't have time to make arrangements to leave their kids at home. I vote for ice cream.
Exactly. Joe already said we'd come before we got the "not kid friendly" vibe.
I just left you a note in your LJ, but I'll repeat here fwiw. From what you wrote there, it sounds like it's less a case of your kids not being welcome as it is a not so kid-friendly situation in the first place. They're trying to include you, and it's nice that they like you guys and want you to come over, but I think if I were you I would just thank them for the invite and say you'd love to get together some other time when you have time to get a sitter.
I'd say, "Oh dear, I'm so sorry we have to back out but we just can't find anyone to look after the kids on such short notice."
ot if you want to be more tactful, what Kristin said.
Apparently there are two kinds of cats, those who are freaked out by floor-cleaning robots, and those who ride them: [link]
That's comedy gold, man. I am SO getting a Roomba when the nuns pay me for the freelance project.
I have 2 dogs and 2 cats AND a digital camera that takes video.
I know you know where this will lead.