Yay for good drugs and sleep! 2 of my all time favorites.
Ok, I really have to get cleaning my house. All the boy folk have gone to Boomers to do go carts and games and stuff. My objective is to get my house clean enough to be able to hire a cleaning person. I'll start with tossing the house plants that died over my summer absence. Then maybe try and clear some surfaces. Ugh.
I think Cougars are female chickenhawks and I find it a much sexier term but then I don't know who Janice Dickinson is. Off to Wikipedia...
...back. hurm. I missed all those reality shows. My mental model for cougars is Jayne Seymour on How I met Your Mother. mrowr!
Mornin' all, sleeping late does indeed rock.
Happy Birthday, Erin!
And in an update on my day, I am now the proud owner of a dishwasher. Of course, we have to actually get it upstairs and into my apartment, but YAY!
After seeing/buying the dishwasher, we went to the Big Bug exhibit at the Garden in the Woods. It was really lovely. I really wish I would have brought my camera.
Happy Dishwasher, vw!
I just got done reviewing the tape from yesterday. Looks like our cashier cleared at least $80, ugh what a doofus. At one point he pockets money right in front of another cashier, who I adore. Gosh I hope that kid's not doing it too.
Hah! Chickenhawk does only make me think of gay men, but the "son, I say, son" is cracking me up.
Even through this stupid headache I have. Bleha.
Does no one illegally download music on macs anymore? Tech thread is being no help. And I'll be damned if I have to pay for music I already bought...stupid rassen frassen hard drive.
I also need to find all my stupid bookmarks of various blogs and useful websites (like the seattle public library, etc) and re-bookmark those. But my head hurts. I dont' wannnnnnnnna. I wanna whine instead. Won't someone come clean my house and do my laundry and pat my head and put ice on it? :(
I am waxed, and I bought a flippy black skirt and an assymetrical cardigan thingie at UO, and a convertible Very Sexy bra at VS.
I stil have Nothing to Wear. I think I will put on the flippy skirt and some fishnets and go looking for a sexy top, after I fix my hair and slap on some makeup. I can do this in two hours, right?
Shit. meara, forget the headache and the cleaning and come help me find something semi-slutty.