There will be piles of mail all over the house, and it is bad.
That's one of my signs, too, vw, and how I knew the AD I was on at the time wasn't doing the trick. I just hate that it has to get that bad before I realize what's happening.
I have no DH or BF to do nice things for me, but I had some awesome coworkers until yesterday. I got taken out to lunch by the group I worked with. Then, I went out for drinks after work, had a great time and then had dinner bought for me, again! I'ma miss those guys a lot. One of the downsides of contract work, darn it.
My main worry with him is that during his brief run in the primaries, he seemed to have his foot permanently wedged in his mouth. If he can keep the embarrassing gaffes under control, he'll be a decent choice.
All I can picture here is Eddie Izzard in "Glorious," doing his bit on Prince Philip's habit of making horrible gaffes: ""You're all fuckers, why don't you all piss off? Your problem is you're all foreigners. Bye!"
I missed the text message because my phone won't hold a charge. But I got the email this morning.
I figured he was going to go with Biden. I think that was his best choice.
Hey, all.
Stttrrreeeettttccchhhh. I fell into bed at 5:30 last night, and woke up at 10 am this morning. Waking up at 5 am and having to be at school at 6:45 is kicking my ass. I'm getting there at about 6:20 so I can run off copies for that day's classes.
I feel like an old lady -- I have to make myself stay up past 8 pm! But I know I'll be a raving bitchaloon if I don't get at least 7 hours of sleep.
Coffee with half and half -- yum. I am going to play around on the comp for a while, take a lovely, long HOT shower, and then go poke around in stores and look for something pretty to wear tonight.
Biden, eh? Don't know much about him; will have to research. Although Obama could have picked Krusty the Klown and I'd still be not voting for McCain.
It's still raining. I never lost power but the news said there were about 75 downed trees cleared from roads. That's just off roads and not on private property.
So far the death toll for Fay for this area is 1. A utility worker was hit by a falling limb while trying to re move a tree and later died of his injuries. I'm assuming it was one of those big old oaks.
But lots of rain and it's still raining. I need to go check on Mom's cat but that will be later.
Did not sleep well last night, a combination of things. So I'm tired and I may try to take a nap I don't know.
Poor Floridistas, with Fay dumping all over you.
Dark master...debater.
ION, I am 36 today. In 4 years, I can be a cougar, right?
CBD is taking me out to look at a dishwasher from Craigslist later today. If we like it, he’s going to buy it for me. Ah! A DISHWASHER!!!!!!! SO exciting and wonderful!
Isn't Craigslist wonderful? I've picked up many things from there.
I hope the elevator is functioning in time for your company.
Unfortunately, I have been told it will not be fixed until late next week. Oh, joy.
ION, I am 36 today.
Happy birthday, Erin!!!
In 4 years, I can be a cougar, right?
Does this mean I can be a cougar now? Mrowr.