That sucks, meara.
After our desktop Mac went down, we got it up and functioning and moved all the music to an external hard drive. They actually did that at the genius bar for us.
I don't buy music off iTunes, but I do download rare stuff off blogs that's not otherwise available (and isn't usually sitting there waiting for you when you want it again months later). It feels a lot better knowing the music is on a separate drive.
(could be due to lack of sleep)
Partially, but also because it was truly funny.
Oh meara, many hairpats. Feel free to scream, rant and pout as much as needed.
after 2 1/2 hours of choreography work, we might, MIGHT just get back to working a song. Oy vey, we coulda gone to the bar, tied one on, sobered up, and been back in time.
t /bored
So, has everyone heard of/seen the cat with four ears? [link]
I love Captain Logic and his tugboat.
They regularly have naval battles with the HMS Jeeves. The Dread Pirate Clovis despises Logic and all the evil schemes he undoes.
So, has everyone heard of/seen the cat with four ears?
Cute! The extras manage to look like horns in the pic.
Cute! The extras manage to look like horns in the pic.
Exactly what I was going to say.
Obama has tapped Biden for VP.
Obama has tapped Biden for VP.
I like Biden but that's not a good choice.