I found this:
1 box chocolate cake mix
1 stick butter, melted
2 eggs
1/2 c. splenda
1 (8 oz.) pkg. cream cheese
Mix together cake mix, melted butter and 1 egg. Press into greased sheet cake pan.
Mix together 1/2 box sugar, 1 egg and cream cheese. Spread on top of cake mixture. Bake at 325 degrees for about 25 minutes. Cool in pan and cut into squares.
I'm terrible about books. Really really bad. Library books that is.
I end up getting in a funk and not returning them and then feeling guilty and not returning thema nd then. WEll then I pay a huge fine and start the cycle over.
So far there has been nothing but rain. We could have gone to work.
But yay day off.
I may clean my kitchen in a miute and cook something later. However I forgot it was trash day, soI missed on out that. I
In a way, that's kind of an indicator they are not reaching a key population, isn't it?
I'm thinking. It might help not to advertise on the Internets. Not everyone has them.
That brownie recipe sounds ridiculously good.
then feeling guilty and not returning them
Can I ask -- what do you think this is going to do? I know that sounds bitchy, and I don't mean it to be, but, I don't understand how not returning library books because you feel guilty that they're overdue is going to achieve anything other than more fines. (And, in the case of the woman in that news article, getting arrested.)
Sometimes guilt is paralyzing.
Can I ask -- what do you think this is going to do?
If someone is confrontation averse then they are saving themselves the perceived humiliation of having to own up to the librarian that they have late fees.
having to own up to the librarian that they have late fees.
Drop them in the book drop at 2 AM, change your name and get a new card, or leave town and pick up the nefarious book hoarding trade in a new town.
Though that gets your name put in in the post office and leads to embarrassment twenty years later when you've mended your ways and are a gold star member of the library volunteers and your sordid past comes out.
having to own up to the librarian that they have late fees.
I understand that someone could feel that way, but there are surely other ways around it.
Drop them in the book drop at 2 AM
Like that. It doesn't take care of paying the fine, but the books are returned without any confrontation.
Do librarians really get hostile when people bring back overdue books?
And, really, if you know that the library is a potential guilt-causing situation, then isn't it better to just not take the books out in the first place?
No, they don't, but it's the perception that they might that will paralyze many people.