One of our new visiting profs was limping and now I know why: [link]
Today we had the new faculty orientation, and since no one told me he was joining the faculty I googled him to figure out who he was. Why it's so difficult to get a list of people that will be teaching is beyond me, but in the 10+ years I've been at universities, I've never gotten an accurate list.
Ha! I just got a new error message in Word! I've been keeping all of my Spanish discussion assignments in one Word file. Word just told me that the file had too many spelling errors, and it could no longer track them. I am laughing and laughing and laughing.
OK, this is too funny, from the LOL FAIL
And Lots of rain. One estimate I read was 8-15 inches. All the schools in the surrounding counties are closed, so work is closed.
So far, so good, for us. Gusts of wind and steady but not impossible rain. She's finally over land, too. Just moving slower than molasses in January.
omfg is not a joke! I was so sure it was.
Ok. I've hit my wall. I'm skipping the rest of the busy work and taking the last test and the final. Wish me brain~ma for the next five hours, or so.
Metra goes out to Flossmoor on the South Shore line. Dunno abobut Aurora.
As the bug stated, the Metra does indeed come out to Aurora. Where I live. Which means you need to let me know when you're here!
First day back to school and I can get on this year!!! Last year, our filter blocked it. This year, it blocks the .net site. Whatev. I can get on that's all I care about.
oh dear ... I've gone over to the dark side and I'm collaborating with Fox. sigh ... it's because of the $#@@$#!!!!! Segways. They're doing a story on how dangerous the things are and I contacted them at JUST the right time. I feel kinds dirty.
Today DD pulled me aside to "talk privately" and then told me that I 'owed' a thank you to the AP who did the schedule change. (while I appreciate what she did, it could have been done weeks ago. The enrollment was obviously skewed and they were not working in my best interests) I also know that he lied to me and my kids today. He told me the AP was at school until after 6 pm yesterday working on changing the schedules and I know it was done before I left the school at 3:45. Then, three of my advanced student wanted to be in the 3rd block class with the other advanced kids. First he yelled at the kids before listening to them, then he threatened to just combine the class together again because they were 'ungrateful' and then he told them they didn't check the schedules they just moved some of the kids.
The rain from TS Fay is finally here. We are supposed to get pretty heavy rains here by tomorrow (easily 4-8 inches) and winds 40+ mph from the storm. The neighboring counties have canceled school tomorrow; however, not this district. I wonder how many parents will keep their kids home tomorrow. DH was told not to bother coming in to the plant. I, however, will have brave the elements and go to work at a school prone to leaks and flooding.
Please send the Brute Squad! Some heads need serious busting.
Fingers crossed that Fay blows the DD away, Gadget.