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I accompanied some of the residents on a cruise on this paddlewheel boat: [link] Nice meal served (of which I dared not eat more than six bites), adorable Dixieland 3-piece band. A good time was had by all, with the minor exception that I discovered that while on a boat, I need to be looking at the horizon/scenery because putting my attention on where my clients are walking and/or the plate in front of me = not a pleasant sensation. Still, they had a good time, and I didn't puke my guts up or otherwise embarrass myself.
I decided to stop at the nearby grocery store, to check out their deli counter. I rather like their fried chicken, but for some reason as I was standing there, I had a vivid sensory memory of the ham salad my mom used to bring home. They didn't have any fresh ham salad behind the counter, but there were some little tubs of it in one of the cooler cases.
Sadly, I was unaware of the shift to serving ham salad as a dessert course.
It must be for dessert, if it's that sweet, right? There's honey, sugar, HFCS, more sugar, and about three other items ending in -ose.