Wishing the happiest of wedding days and marriage years to GC and DF, congratulations!
Thank you so much Jilli, for the links. They are amazing and will help so much! I look forward to any other suggestions and sites as well. Thank you everyone else that suggested sites and possible stores as well.
I love the idea of the Brute Squad. It makes me giggle and clap my hands with glee! They would absolutely fit in at Buffista Academy.
ND and Kristin! Kermit Wave!!! Hope all is well on the ship. Hugs to you both.
Thank you, again, everyone for all of your continued support and encouragement. The energy has come through the internet with such strength. At least it is a glimmer of light in all of this garbage.
Congrats GC!! Welcome to married life!
Congrats Glam and Wife! And asskicking to Phelps.
congrats to Glamcookie and wife!
Hooray for Glambride and her Girlfriendwife!
Best wishes to Glamcookie and her Dear Wife! (I just read that one is not supposed to say Congrats to a bride but is supposed to say Best Wishes. Can anyone Emily Post the reason why for me?)
I always heard you were supposed to wish the bride "felicitations," which means ... best wishes, I guess? Someone told me once, but I can't remember the Emily Post reasoning.
Congrats, GC and DW.
It warms my heart. No, really, I'm a bit choked up.
No, seriously. Stop looking at me like that.
Fine. It's allergies. I have something in my eye.
Best of wishes, GC and DW.
And may Jack "King" Kirby bless you.
Aw, you guys are the best. There were photos (and video [!!!]) so I'll share soon. Our judge was cool. We took a pic with her, too. Also they had a fake wedding cake. Hahahahaha!
Congratulations Glam & DW.
But you got a real one too, right?
(Or are you anti-cake? If so, I will try very hard to understand.)