d- excellent!!!
Happy wedding day to GC and DF!
We've got the ability to hide out in the backwoods when meant to be on forced relocations, survive scalping, out-run Brit-allied Native American war parties during the Revolution, stick to one's Protestant guns during Wars of Religion, and generally zig when one should zag.
we could form a brute squad. one with fashion sense.
And I'm surprised she forgot it on our list since her EnZed sister looks EXACTLY like our grandmother.
I am lucky in that I have you to bring the extra brain today.
George Bush is probably most upset because no one will tell him how the Russians got in Georgia, and how far they are from Atlanta...
Please, to be sending roll of paper towels with which to wipe Diet Coke off computer monitor...
Ok. Manners question for the hivemind.
I'm writing a thank you note to CBD's parents for dinner the other night. How do I address the envelope?
Dr. John Doe and Ms. Jane Smith? Or do I need to use a more proper salutation for his mother, since she's a judge? I have NO idea about all this.
The happiest of wedding days and marriage years to GC and DF. "Now join hands, and with your hands your hearts."
Happy Nuptial Day, GC and DF!
They have different last names then, vw? I don't know how formal you'd need to go, maybe ask CBD what she prefers?
Re: my previous post with the note for the hiring people for Tom: is ot OK to tell them that he has been laid off? Is this a bad? Or just reality?
Dr. John Doe and Ms. Jane Smith?
Dr. John Doe
The Honorable Jane Smith
That's the etiquette rule, anyway.
The Honorable Jane Smith
That seems like a WAY too formal way to address a letter (well, even the envelope) to your boyfriend's parents. Unless they're exceedingly formal people, but your description didn't make them sound that way.
t edit
But if etiquette is important to them, maybe you should....I don't know. It seems too stuffy to me. But maybe my white trash roots are showing.
I'd ask CDB what's appropriate.