while out picking up rental speakers, my Ass't made a few wrong turns. So we are at a light, and I'm like, "dude, this looks really familiar. HOLY SHIT IS THAT THE GRASSY KNOLL!?!?". Yup, we drove right through the kill zone. Thanfully no shooters. But I was very impressed I recognized it from the Zabrudar (sp?) film, the Stone movie, countless History Channel shows, etc etc. One of these days, I gotta try and drive the actual route.
Yes, I am a history dork. A slightly morbide one at that.
I, for one, can definitely not see you, Sean.
I *am* blinvisible. I knew it!
I, for one, can definitely not see you, Sean.
Me neither. And this makes me very sad.
No blinvisible, Sean. In that I can't see you, but I can see you, way.
omnis, the museum is worth seeing too.
GG, that sucks. Good luck with the school year.
Yay, GC and GC's DF! Have a fabulous wedding!
To take the sting out of your blinvisibility, Sean, I give you T&A, Two Lumps style: [link]
after all this one story:
J was dating C and he called C 'little lady'. ( gave me the hebbie jebbies)they moved away. J came back, dated my friend L. L got nervous, found him way too possessive, dumped him. J got fired moved back to the area where C lived. Two months later J killed C. So while lady isn't loaded -- litte lady is a s loaded as the come.
Do it dressed in your finest new Goth apparel as a nice signal finger.
Yes, this. Do you need me to give you a list of handy clicky-links to reasonably priced Victorian-Gothy attire?
ION, I just picked a GIANT bowl full of blackberries from my backyard. om nom nom nom ...