Barb, thank you for the info! I've forwarded to my friend, and she's very excited to check them out!
So 4 hours sleep tops before meeting the boyfriend's folks. EEP! BUT! It all went well! They seemed to like me. And I'm sure the same will be true for you, vw!
Teppy, it sounds like you've done with "Fat" what I've done with "BPD" or "Mental Illness." I should work on having that same attitude with "Fat."
OMFG, the "Search only in this folder" option in Outlook 2007 is fucking GREYED OUT. WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK, EMPLOYER?????
I wish I could accept my fat. I don't.
I hate it. I hate looking down and seeing it. I hate seeing it in the mirror so much that there have been times when I get ready for work with the lights off, avoiding even the shadows in the mirror. I feel like I have been imprisoned in this body, but I can't figure out what my crime was, because if it were overeating or lack of exercise, it would have to go away after the lots of dieting and lots of exercise that I have in the past done. I'm tired of being fat. I've been fat for almost four decades, and I'm sick of it. But there is no point in lifting a finger against it, because I'm even more tired of working really, really hard only to end up ... still way too fat. At my thinnest, I'm too fat to be a plus-size model. I'm too fat to volunteer for reputable clinical trials of weight loss treatments. Well, ok, maybe I could still volunteer, but the clinicians would reject, because I'm too fat.
Feel free to ignore the rant.
this deserves commenting, exclamation points, et. al, no?
Sure! it was totally fine! The midwest is funny. I got to cross 2 more states off my list. I said something (i don't remember what...sleep deprived) that made his mom exclaim "I LIKE this girl!"
He's possibly meeting a stitload of my people in a couple of weeks at my birthday party. And then he's driving to NC with me to stay with my brother and family there (where we'll have to pretend to be sleeping separately, good times!) I think he's up for the challenge.
I need to get dressed and go to the gym to work out but I wanna watch the olympics! Dilemma.
I need to get dressed and go to the gym to work out but I wanna watch the olympics! Dilemma
Will they have it on the tv at the gym? That would be ideal.
I'm thinking I have to join a gym again. I just can't get motivated to run and I'm doing a freaking marathon in January.
No, it's the tiny college gym and no tv or music.
I need to be working out because I've had not good training sessions and 2nd tri is about a month away. Worried I'm not going to finish it, actually.
where we'll have to pretend to be sleeping separately, good times!
Heh. If my parents didn't know he was sleeping over here before last night, they know now. When mom called to have me come get them, I told her I was in my jammies and had just taken my meds. Then I proceeded to run the plan past CBD. And not a word was said.
Dang. I can't believe that 26 year old swimmer
has testicular cancer
And not a word was said.
Phew! yeah, my sister-in-law (who I made the plan to come down with) doesn't really care but she doesn't want to explain to my 10-year old niece. She was pretty freaked out by the whole Jamie Lynn Spears pregnancy. "HOW IS IT POSSIBLE?! SHE'S NOT MARRIED!!!" My SiL is trying to ease her into the whole puberty thing (niece doesn't do so well with change).