I am frequently stupid and wasn't sure if it was my imagination but now I have threadsucked and confirmed that I am not entirely crazy (Yay!) so: has anyone heard from tommyrot in the past couple of weeks?
I was wondering the other day - no, I don't think so.
He won't have been flooded out where he lives.
Oh dear-- now I am worried. Perhaps his electricity is out?
I don't remember him mentioning vacation.
On a less scary note-- I am pretty sure it is Sue's Birthday today!
Happy Birthday Sue!
Just did a quick threadsuck, and I can't find any tommyrot posts past 9/3!!!!1!????
Perhaps he has just unsubscribed to Natter -- can anyone else find him posting on other threads?
I looked in Tech, and September 3rd is the last posting date there as well.
Kitten video's and photos have killed me ded.
Barb, get well~ma for Nate.
Off to get a manicure!
Oh dear. I hope tommyrot's okay and someone can get hold of him.
I like the name Pippin for a cat, but I'd be afraid he'd turn out to be insipidly emo and indecisive with a tendency to break out in song.
And this, in my groggy, still-on-my-first-cup-of-coffee state made me snort said coffee through my nose.
Timelies all!
Awww, kitten! (Sorry I don't have more, but a certain furry resident woke me up this morning by meowing at the door until I let her in. Then she kept trying to eat my hair. Cats is weird.)
Oh dear -- where is tommyrot??
my parents had one of those. also a Woodstock and a Pippin.
This cracks me up -- 70s, much?
ION, Happy birthday, Sue!
Yay vacation, Liese!
I took an awesome long shower in my actual shower this morning. Good times. I'm trying to figure out what to wear to this grad school thing this morning, and I actually had a dream about trying on these capris with boots, to see if it worked. I don't remember what the dream verdict was, sadly.