OK, someone remind me of the history of "parfebuy"??
I liked someone's suggestion somewhere else of "Ferris", but it would crack me up to name the kitten Jobama. Except then if there was a republican in the WhiteHouse for the next for years it might make me extra sad every time I talked to the kitten.
Parfebuy was from the unedited thread as PeoplesForum. I think it was to be "perfect."
I'm willing to pay to (almost) anyone who will be willing to take my mom to the Old City.
She's great and all, but seriously, I need to sleep.
I think the kitty should be named Harvey. I have absolutely no explanation for this, and I understand that you don't want people-names, but I looked at the pics and thought "Harvey!" and now I'm stuck going, "But... he looks like a Harvey. I don't even know what that means, but he does."
It's not a people name you're likely to run into for, y'know, people. If that helps. Also? I bet he'd learn his name quickly. "HAAAAAAR-vy." Very distinctive sound.
Rationalizations aside, if someone said to me, "Harvey would be a great name for a cat" I would think they were crazy so feel free to ignore the idea. I'm just conveying information directly from my subsconsious to you, the home viewer.
Damn, my face itches. Like all, because of the dilaudid, but I can't scratch even a little on the left side. Making me insane.
Shir, does it have to be an Israeli Old City? We could negotiate.
I suggested Alley Baba and Scaramouche or Scaramouser in Literary.
My ex-cat was called Goocha-Sara (that's the only name that made her come out from under the bed, where she was hiding for an hour and a half).
I think my next cat will be called Germania - Hebrew for Germany. I think it's a good, solid name for a cat, and also my next travel destination.
Shir, does it have to be an Israeli Old City? We could negotiate.
I'm willing to hear suggestions. Armenian ceramic tables must be on tour.
Armenian ceramic tables must be on tour.
That makes it trickier. I was thinking Old Montreal.
I say name the kitty "Ganouche."
I AM SO CAUGHT UP!!1! Finally. Geez.
"Buttock injection does not induce adequate levels of antibody."
I actually had a conversation at work today where I complained about the intimate knowledge of shark procreation that had been forced upon me, and my coworker's response was, "God, I'm so sick of gay porn stars!" This is the sort of conversation that happens every day at my office.
ION: This fitness infomercial is eating a huge chunk of my time. However, I have added carbs back into my diet, and I am sooooo much happier.
Happy Birthdays all around, and congrats to Burrell, GG, and sara!
Vise Peeper Palin