Also, whenever someone says they are looking for someone "real" i always think they are bitter.
Heh. It reminds me of a story on MSN who was tired of dating women with fake boobs. He found them superficial, etc. And yet he kept telling us how he would go to a party or bar and ask out this woman who was the most stunning woman there...
That's great Scrappy!
I'm having no match luck at all. Weirdly, I'm not sad.
People who have ordered from Zappos:
I chose the standard shipping, then got an email telling me that because I am awesome and pretty (not really) they are shipping them "much faster". They said my new shoesies will leave the warehouse today. When do you think I'll get them?
happy birthday perkins
why is there a show that looks like it is called something like EXTREME EXTERMINATORS...WTF? I mean, glad they exist, but why do I want to see this .
They typically ship overnight.
I love them. All my first borns are belong to them.
oh better, it is called verminators
You know, I might be talking out of my ass, but every time I've ordered from Zappos, they've "upgraded" me to overnight shipping for free, and with no prompting on my part.
That's exactly what my email said!!