The thing I don't get is why oil companies aren't very publicly pumping umpteen billions of the profits they're making into renewable energy technology.
They are pumping a lot of money into the renewable energy sector, but their board members and shareholders have seen the craze for renewables come and go before, and a lot of them remain unconvinced that changing course like this is the best way to go. Scalability is still a huge issue, environmental factors loom large (like, say, wind turbine fields killing scores of birds), and the U.S. government has removed tax credits for developing renewable energy. A lot of this really does have to do with the government - if there was a program in place to strenuously encourage renewable-energy development, we'd be seeing a lot more movement in that area (like Spain has). As it is, we're dependent on wealthy people like T. Boone Pickens and Vinod Kohsla to get that ball rolling.
Also, people really are adverse to change. But if the money is there, they'll go for it.