Back from the post office. You should have mail in a couple of days, Cash. Yay, mail! Well, the good kind, anyway.
ION, I am living a horror movie called Attack of the Stink Bugs. I've killed eight of them in the last not even 24 hours. What the hell, nature??
IOON, I have so much cleaning and laundry to do, and I can't motivate. And I can't seem to care that I can't motivate. I mean, I have Tues. and Wed. off, too, so it's not that dire, but still...
A bit out of Texas, from one of the barrier islands
Of particular concern is a resident who collects exotic animals who is now holed up in a Baptist church with his pet lion. "We're not going in there," Jones said. "We know where he (the lion) is on the food chain."
You couldn't put that stuff on TV, people would never believe it.
Wow, stocks sure dropped today. The mortgage crises is the financial disaster that just keeps giving.
I love the fact that the Chicago Tribune has an architectural blog, which has posted an interesting overview of what the 1909 Burnham Plan of Chicago has done for the city of today.
Dag, I'm tired. And I didn't get here until after 10 this morning, so it's not like I can sneak out early.... I was responding to emails from home, so I guess I was technically on the clock, but still.
I tried to read Les Miserables when I was about 12 or so, but I got bored with it after a while and never finished it.
What's wrong with people? I just finished discussing with a recruiter a job opportunity that insists on the applicants submitting a business requirements document, a functional requirements document, and a workflow diagram. Who has those lyring around or can whip them up just like that? I'd have to lift something from work, and that's not right.
ita, I've seen those "lifted" with any pertinent confidential data redacted. Would that work?
Yeah, when I have to give a writing sample, I do give something from work. It's pretty common in my field. The request, anyway. Which reminds me, I should sock away some things from this job....
WRT kids reading age-inappropriate books: One of my friends is an Americanist. When her daughter was six, the young girl picked up her mother's copy of Moby Dick and started reading it. And apparently liked it enough to want to bring it to school the next day to finish reading it. Her teacher was a bit alarmed. My friend was more amused, esp when her daughter expressed interest in getting a Quiqueg (sp?) action figure.