Happy Birthday Polter-Cow! Happy Birthday Billytea!
I'm left with my head spinning after requesting direction for the priorities of our upcoming tasks yesterday. I just wanted a 1,2,3... order so we could get to things in an orderly fashion, but we ended up with a lot of stuff being reassigned and sparking a big debate between the owner and the president over how many resources we should be devoting to one long-term project. I wasn't actually asking for our workload to be cut in half, but I'll take it as a bonus...
JJ Abrams, eat your heart out: [link]
Grammar question:
He knew he was risking his life and
of his buddies.
He knew he was risking his life and
of his buddies.
Or something else I'm not thinking of?
He knew he was risking his life and the lives of his buddies.
t edit
I was going to write out Scola's sentence as justification for "those," b/c it's plural. But I don't like the redundancy of Scola's sentence. (Sorry, Tom; I adore you, but not that sentence.)
I was thinking what Tom was thinking.
Will this week never end???? And then I have my most-annoying type of plans that I'm actually excited about with people I like: at 8 on Friday. Do I go home for a half hour? Do I go shopping? Do I sit around in the office? It's a real quandary, I tell you what.
Actually it's a translation, so I need a pronoun.
ETA: Those it is. It sounded better to me too, but it's singular in French, so I wanted to check.
Also, hilarious Korean BBq pictorial review
That is totally how I approach Korean BBQ! "What's that?" "I have no idea, but it's FREAKING DELICIOUS! Get some in your mouth!!"