um, Shrub does go to church sometimes, on the rare occasions he's in town and isn't too paranoid to actually drive three blocks through DC.
OK, maybe I'm behind the times, since I see this is an older article: [link]
I didn't see anything in my quick google about his having a congregation in Texas, though...
I have to believe that when the candidates stop talking about pigs and lipstick and start discussing some issues in a way that will actually educate some voters who need educating, that swing won't stick.
I don't - I don't think the public at large likes real discussions of the issues - I think they like soundbites and being told that they are victims and that their way of life is in danger and not understood. I think they like hearing chants of USA USA and that they want to like and feel comfortable with their leaders, not really understand issues or policies or how they've been slapped around and belittled by their best friend bubba who is really stinkin rich and has no idea what their problems are like.
when the candidates stop talking about pigs and lipstick and start discussing some issues
I'm not holding my breath.
I still think Obama's gonna win, though. I think the polls showing white women "moving" to McCain are largely bullshit & that most of the women polled that way were Republicans this time last year.
You know who actually went to church regularly? The Clintons. Now, maybe Methodists don't count, because they just sit there or whatever, but. No. They can all bite me.
I lived on the same block as that church - we used to call it Our Holy Lady of Law Enforcement due to all the squad cars and black SUVs out front on Sundays.
I lived on the same block as that church - we used to call it Our Holy Lady of Law Enforcement due to all the squad cars and black SUVs out front on Sundays.
Yeah, sometimes I ended up going there on Sundays when they were there, because it was more hassle trying to get past, to go to the Bapist church on the next block.
What scares me is that the Republicans don't actually have to win - going by past elections, they can get kind of close and claim it. Guess they play politics the same way they play golf.
What scares me is that the Republicans don't actually have to win - going by past elections, they can get kind of close and claim it.
This is what scares me.
I'm not going to worry about polls until a bit more time has passed after the convention. I think women that saw her speech have a reason to "like" Palin, but I think as we learn more about her policies that should subside.