I believe that if a black hole got created and if Hawking was wrong about Hawking radiation, it would still be so small that the Sun would engulf the Earth before it could gain enough mass to be a problem. Black holes with super teeny tiny mass would have ultra super teeny tiny gravity.
Yeah, according to an ex-coworker's husband who is working on the LHC (she's an ex-coworker because he got this job and they moved to Switzerland), it would take something on the order of 5 or 6 billion years before the black holes created in the LHC became a problem.
despite the fact that the Arizona senator himself used the phrase last year to describe a policy proposal of Hillary Clinton's.
ahahaha... remember when "facts" meant something?
Am rooted even deeper in my political pessimism.
I'm trying not to pitch a fit.
You know how I wanted to go to my brother's defense?
Coworker already has put in for vacation for those days.
He couldn't have known. Hell, I didn't know. But his vacation days have fucked me over so well the past two weeks, and will again in another few, not even counting this, I've kinda had it.
Upthread somebody mentioned missing the premiere of Fringe - well, Fox is repeating it Sunday night with 10 minutes from the second episode.
I watched it ... I think. It seemed to make less sense than Lost, without the hot boys or pretty scenery.
It seemed to make less sense than Lost
yikes! I have it set to record Sunday but am thinking it may irritate me. I need SENSE making!
Hubby watched Fringe and said "When they run out of cliches, they look for other cliches they can work with." I said, "Are these the cliches the X-Files wrote?" "I wish."
I wouldn't say it made
sense than Lost, because I don't think you can have negative amounts of sense-making. But it will give your eye-rolling muscles a workout, so make sure to stretch beforehand.