Hell, I do yoga alone (at home, with tapes). Partially because I don't want to see myself in the mirrors, but also because I Want To Be Alone.
Living with 2 dogs and 2 cats has made yoga an almost un-possible achievement. The dogs think I want to play,
t ha! x-post with Barb!
and then when I do a pose that requires me to lie on the floor (Corpse, for example), the cats think it's an invitation for them to climb on me and go to sleep.
It's like I'm a giant piece of furniture.
The dogs are very skilled at Downward Dog, though. (Ha ha.)
Tennis- briefly - didn't you tennis fans love the
little dance Roger did to the camera after he won?
So adorable.
Hell, I do yoga alone (at home, with tapes). Partially because I don't want to see myself in the mirrors, but also because I Want To Be Alone.
Yep. It's easier too, because although I'm probably not getting it exactly right, I'm still getting stretchy without the pressure of doing everything correctly (which would make the whole thing no fun because I cannot let. things. go.)
Seekrit message to PixKristin:
Now if only I had some pepper jelly...
Living with 2 dogs and 2 cats has made yoga an almost un-possible achievement. The dogs think I want to play,
Oz does this to me, but I think of it as an extra workout challenge. Like adding an extra weight or something.
Oooh, Pix and megan, I should give y'all the recipe for Jezebelle sauce.
Ha. Seabiscuit does both upward facing dog and downward facing dog at the appropriate times. And he goes on his back for savasana.
I like mirrors but not the other people. Thus television yoga works okay for me, although I'm sure I'm not doing it properly, and also I tend to wuss out.
I do want to see the mirrors, to make sure I'm doing it right
I'm probably not exactly right, but living with my PE-instructing mom for many years taught me body positioning. Thankfully, because like DJ, I cannot let shit go if I'm in a class environment.
If I ever did Pilates, though, I'd totally do it with an instructor.
And Damien James Devilkitty likes to join in, but then gets confused when I change position.
The only exercise I've ever really gotten into was my kickboxing classes. It was a combination of a) I like learning things, b) the instructors have this always encouraging/never denegrating ethos, c) You have a schedule and if you miss you "need" to call in. If you don't they will call you and ask where you've been -- it just makes it that much harder to blow off class.
As soon as my feet are better I'll be back in there.
Seekrit message to megan:
I've eaten half the tub of cream cheese with that pepper jelly at this point. I'm hiding in the corner with the talk of how I should be eating!