Scrappy, that sounds really athletic. I'm impressed.
If it's any consolation, Alibelle, working for relatives, even if it's not a direct-boss situation, can be fraught with minefields. YRMV, of course, but it's always a situation to be thoughtful about venturing into.
Oh, no, that was definitely a concern. Especially since I'd also be living with my mom. I mean, we get along well, but that puts me at a disadvantage in three separate ways, you know? Plus no ballroom dancing. But it was one of those things where I was doing the math, and I was, like, so what if I'm miserable for three years? I could be debt free, have an actual amount of savings, get LASIK, AND have enough money to use as a down payment on a place to live that would actually have a kitchen! That'd be so cool! And then I realized that I started that equation off with "so what if I'm miserable for three years?" and said no. Because that's just crazy, agreeing to that with full knowledge of what I'd be getting into.
Three years is a long time to be miserable.
ita, if you would like ice cream, email me the type and your address. I will gladly bring it to you, along with any other food or beverage you might need.
We just had smoothies for dinner. and I red the calorie info. if I stuck to the junior size ( 12 ounce) and add either fiber or protein it would be an ok meal that I would be able to eat more food later with out carbohydrate over kill. To bad I ordered the 'regular' size.
Thanks, Pix. I don't think I'm eating again today, and tomorrow I will venture forth, so no need. I also found a stash of Ensure.
Not to mention I feel miserable and whiny enough that I should continue with my hermit ways. The left side of my neck is now acting up too.
So my mom just gave me the date of my brother's public PhD dissertation defense. (He couldn't remember it, typical.) So I'm thinking I should fly down there without telling him. And show up for the weekend (parking myself in a hotel and all.)
Hopefully, the schedule will allow.
Oh, ita. It's probably compensatory. Sucks. Glad you have nourishment, don't ever apologize for feeling miserable (says the one who apologized to her parents when needing a root canal and knew it was fucked up as she was doing so.)
I am way too suggestible. I've been watching a House marathon, and now my hip is aching.
(Either that, or sitting on the couch is making my hip ache. Which is also a possibility.)
Thanks, Pix. I don't think I'm eating again today, and tomorrow I will venture forth, so no need. I also found a stash of Ensure.
I'm glad to hear you found some Ensure; it makes me feel better knowing you've at least gotten some nourishment. I completely respect the desire for hermitage when you're feeling awful. I did a fair bit of hiding last week myself. Just please know that the offer stands if you change your mind.
ita, I am working at home tomorrow, in fact I'm likely to be in your neighborhood to pick up some Peets, so please please please feel free to ask me to run by the store, run errands, whatever. Really, it's no bother.
I'm starting to warm up to Nadal as well, but it's hard. I blame his clothing. He dresses funny, and it turns out I'm shallow enough to find that amusing.