The campaign is saying that she's not going to be giving interviews, or pretty much saying anything that isn't a totally canned speech. IOW, they're realizing just how much of a detriment she's going to be when she opens her mouth of her own accord.
I cannot WAIT for the VP debate.
Special thanks to Teppy for today's KB.
Um, YAY *real* boobies.
Sean, you just reminded me of a funny as hell story I remember reading in, Cosmo, I guess it was, years ago. One of those stupid Pillow Talk questions they'd poll guys on about their sexual experiences or preferences and this one was about implants, yea or nay. One guy responded that he'd been dating this girl who had this gorgeous rack, that he knew going in were implants, but damn, they were pretty. So there they are-- having done the wild thing for the first time and they're both hot and sweaty in the aftermath and he reaches out to pull her close and said her boobs were ice cold. Freaked him right the hell out and he said he never dated another girl with implants ever again.
I guess they must have been saline? Those would stay cool, wouldn't they?
Want to start taking bets on how soon the Repubs find a way to opt out of the VP debate?
Hmmmmm. I'm leaning toward a pre-canned condemnation of Biden being mean to a woman by making her look ignorant.
Plus, dude, that's not that big. BFF is, I think, a 14 and I wouldn't think of her as plus-size.
Most of the on-line plus size stores seem to start at size 12, and a few carry a size 10.
Calli, I just looked, and right now they only have pants (khakis and jeans) and swimsuits for women. I think they did formerly have blouses, and they have mens' shirts. Search "custom" in the box and what they do have turns up.
Special thanks to Teppy for today's KB.
Oh my god. Your drawing of Palin made me laugh hard enough to wake up all 4 pets (who were all snoozing, like the lazy bums they are, within 5 feet of me).
IOW, they're realizing just how much of a detriment she's going to be when she opens her mouth of her own accord. That's sure the way to pick a VP, isn't it?
Well there's a bit of that on both sides, Biden's been known to put his foot in his mouth on occasion.
Oh my god. Your drawing of Palin made me laugh hard enough to wake up all 4 pets (who were all snoozing, like the lazy bums they are, within 5 feet of me).
Teppy and I clearly had the same reaction at the same time. I am now being stared at, rather balefully, by three dogs and one cat, although admittedly, baleful is the cat's default setting.
Search "custom" in the box and what they do have turns up.
OKey-doke, thanks. And you never know, custom trousers may have a place in my wardrobe someday, too.
I think the main hurdle of buying something that fit my bust and tailoring it down would be that they wouldn't just have to bring in the waist. They'd also have to shorten the sleeves and probably narrow the shoulders. Most of the larger size button-front shirts I've tried on grow in all directions. Might has well wait until I can have one made from the cloth up.