Putting this in a seperate post, because...I don't know it feels like it should be.
Please, please be careful about saying women need to put away their breasts at work. I realize what was probably meant was women who wear extremely low cut blouses to work, but as someone with very large boobs who has been, and been made to be very self conscious about them pretty much my whole life, it stings a bit. Even in what I'm wearing today (wrap shirt with camisole) I look totally boobtastic, but if I cover up any more, I have uni-boob which, frankly makes me look frumpy and fat.
Sorry, It's a sensitive area for me.
I've often resented that smaller boobs can show a bit more at work and that I have to put on camisoles with even reasonably modest tops if they show any clevage at all.
Trudy, my sister in, "Seriously, do I have to wear a smock for people to quit freaking the fuck out over my tops!?!"
Heart to Sarah Palin: Quit playing 'Barracuda'
Ha! Excellent! Last night, when she came on stage, The Boy said "....are the Republicans playing BARRACUDA?!?" He didn't know about the nickname, so I told him, which made him laugh, and then say, "But....how can she be both a pit bull AND a barracuda -- wouldn't one eat the other? Will she eat herself?"
Me: "Was that a sex joke?"
Him: "I didn't mean it to be....but it worked out pretty well, didn't it?"
Me: "I don't think I can allow you to vote, okay?"
"But....how can she be both a pit bull AND a barracuda -- wouldn't one eat the other? Will she eat herself?"
There's a KB in this somewhere...
Also let me say I love love love Samantha B. (Bee?) on the daily show. Last night where she kept asking Republican delegates what Bristol did when she chose to keep her baby was, was hilarious, as the delegates referred to it as a "decision" and went through all sorts of contortions to avoid the word choice.
I think if I saw Samantha Bee heading toward me with a microphone I would run the other way.
Please, please be careful about saying women need to put away their breasts at work. I realize what was probably meant was women who wear extremely low cut blouses to work, but as someone with very large boobs who has been, and been made to be very self conscious about them pretty much my whole life, it stings a bit. Even in what I'm wearing today (wrap shirt with camisole) I look totally boobtastic, but if I cover up any more, I have uni-boob which, frankly makes me look frumpy and fat.
thanks for saying that, DJ! I was thinking basically the same thing.