I said to her, No I want a piglet and then I want bacon.
I think that will take time travel. You do not want a piglet. Pigs are difficult creatures. Fortunately, none of them are Wilbur, so I can eat my bacon in peace.
ita, I'm sorry that the ER has become the place where everyone knows your name.
The good bacon comes from really big full-grown pigs.
Well, damn. That means no piglet for me. I have to say though, the piglets were super cute and Noah was super enchanted by them.
Then again he was enchanted by the Clydesdale too [link] and I'm surely NOT getting one of those.
Pigs are too smart and stubborn to make really good pets.
DH is mad because I let our babysitter give Owen a fish--a beta--without asking. I told him it's not a puppy, it's a freakin' fish. A hard to kill, low maintenance fish at that.
Just don't let him watch Finding Nemo again anytime soon.
Pigs are too smart and stubborn to make really good pets.
I've heard much the same about having kids.
except the smart part is questionable, billytea. I say this after watching Noah drink out of his water table side by side with the dog.
I've heard much the same about having kids.
Yeah, but kids don't make very good carnitas.
except the smart part is questionable, billytea. I say this after watching Noah drink out of his water table side by side with the dog.
No, no, that makes perfect sense. The dog has keener senses than Noah, so by staying close to him at a vulnerable moment (head down to drink), he maximises his chance of receiving advance warning of any oncoming predators. Such as Grace.
Yeah, but kids don't make very good carnitas.
Look, I love children, but I can never finish a whole one.
My uncle farms pigs. If you really want fresh pork (omg, the best porkchops I've ever had were at his house. Shortly after I'd cooed over the wee piglets. Yes, I felt demented.) I could always ping him. Or call him. I don't know if he has internet. And he is in MN, a ways away.
My dad's pet name for me was always Piglet because apparently I sounded just like the piglets on my grandpa's (uncle bought it) farm when they were nursing. And then he had pork chops.
(OK, I don't know about that last part, but still. We're ok with that. I helped chop piglets' tails which was horrific, but apparently best method at the time. Still alarming.) And those chops were DAMNED good. The bacon, sublime.