Wasps are such uncomplicated creatures. Eat it, hump it or sting it, and then eat it or hump it.
You know, if you said that about ANY OTHER ETHNICITY... but
MY people are fair game.
Chloe the dalmatian is the one who loves to walk under the drapes and then stand there, and if we throw sheets over her, she'll prance around like she's the fanciest thing ever: [link], but she will also wear Tim's shirt: [link].
So you'll be dressing her as a doggy hooker?
sigh. Code Pink people at McCain's speech.
The most bizarre movie is on and hopefully being taped.
Evenings at the Hamlet Next to Dikanka"--
it's a Russian musical of an old folk tale, with what are apparently big Russian pop stars. It's quite surreal and cute.
A group protesting the war. Mostly women, and they wear pink to all their protests.
Code Pink: [link] Warning: their website is very very pink. May cause eye damage.
how did they get in? I was pretty sure that "several or more middle aged women in pink" would be treason on the convention floor
They had their pink clothing covered up, and then pulled off the non-pink clothes. I seriously thought -- for a minute -- that it was some kind of protest via nudity.
It looked like they were wearing black button-down shirts over pink t-shirts, and then took off the black ones and started shouting or something. (The mics in the audience weren't strong enough to hear something that a single person was saying.) Then everyone around them started chanting, "USA! USA!" as the guards dragged the Code Pink people out.
So McCain is for "A government that doesn't make your choices for you, but works to make sure you have more choices to make for yourself"? I like how he doesn't specify what "choices" these actually are.