Thankfully, I was too stressed out about other things to get all worked up about the convention speeches, but I heard Giulianni and Palin last night. What a bunch of complete BS. Straw men, outright lies and fabrications, and every time they listed a problem that McCain and Palin would solve as President, I couldn't help but think "BUT THE REPUBLICANS CAUSED THOSE PROBLEMS WITH THE VERY 'SOLUTIONS' YOU'RE TOUTING!"
And Giulianni smeared the "Liberal Media" in his speech. I'm SO FUCKING TIRED of hearing about the "Liberal Media" because it DOESN'T FUCKING EXSIST (at least in mainstream).
Even NPR is at best centrist. Almost every time they mention McCain, the append the word "maverick" to his name, and occasionally spout Repub talking points. Not something I'd expect from the "Liberal Media."
I had to turn off NPR and listen to bad hippy rock this morning it was making me so mad!
Sean, I hope S is way better today and that you can have some relief from all the stress.
Kat, you fucking rule! Hope that kid doesn't sleep for a month.
Oh dear, I just saw a post elsewhere where someone referred to Palin as Governer Umbridge.
If only she were that smart.
Keith Olbermann referred to her as Tracy Flick from Election.
That's more like it.
One of McCain's staff off-handedly admitted that they'd had to rewrite the speech in a hurry, to make it more "feminine"-sounding. That's right, they had the speech all ready, they just hadn't picked (or vetted) the person to deliver it.
That makes me laugh only because some commentators last night said they had heard from Palin's constituents (that's not the right word if she's not a member of Congress, but I can't think of the right term) that Palin's speech was "Pure Sarah" -- that it was "obvious" that she wrote it, because of its "spitfire" phrases, etc., etc., and they could identify only one or two phrases that were *maybe* written by the McCain team.
It was written by George Bush's lead speech writer. Oh yes.
Link, Brenda?
Although...I don't know why I keep reading stuff! It's all making me so mad!!!
I'm sticking to the actual Liberal Media -- TDS, Gawker: [link]
ION, it's still hot in here, I still have the headache, now I'm starving, and I'm definitely not getting anything done. Bah!
la la la ... I'm going to ignore as much of the campaign as possible ... la la la, I can't hear you!
Sits in Toddson's corner.
TDS was great last night. LOVED the video of O'Reilly praising the Palins handling of Bristol, contrasted with him calling the Spears "pinheads" and saying if a teenage girl gets pregnant, it's because of bad parents.
I also loved the little bit with Rob Riggle hiding under the bathroom sinks.