I don't know if Dana mentioned it somewhere else on the board, but while we were in the dealer's room at Dragon*Con, we found Allyson's book on a dealer table. We picked it up and were showing it to some of our other friends when the bookseller told us that Vampire People was selling really well, even better than they'd expected.
There were a lot of books stacked on that table, but only one copy of Allyson's book was left at the end of the weekend.
x-posted with Bitches - Public alert: Just don't listen to NPR this morning. You don't need to hear how awesome and inspiring Palin is. Trust me on this.
Both Andrew Sullivan and Crooks & Liars wrote up "condensed effusive praise" in advance of last night because that's really all we're going to hear, unless Palin broke into tears and announced she's leaving her husband during the speech.
Thanks for the heads-up, Laura.
Thank you for TDS. Just watched from 9/2 - I LOVE BRIAN WILLIAMS
I sometimes wonder if he just hangs out in the TDS green room every afternoon before taping the news just in case another guest cancels.
I did not listen to Palin last night. The closest I got to reading any news about her speech was catching a glimpse of the NY Post front page on the subway this morning. (Blah blah she's so awesome we wish all politicians could have lots of babies just like herscakes.)
The A/C is out in my office, possibly related to flooding on a higher floor. It's supposed to be 90 here today. I already woke up with a headache, and this is not helping.
Good times.
And is that really how right-wingers party? Cause, to get West Baltimore about it "They ain't hitting on nothing."
They probably aren't going to show the endangered species buffet and the homeless person shooting gallery on TV.
I am starting to kind of love Gail Collins [link]
"This was shortly after two very prominent Republican commentators got caught trashing Palin’s candidacy when they thought an MSNBC microphone had been turned off. There has been a lot of that going around this year, people. We can do better. In the years to come, let us teach our children that if you can’t say anything nice about somebody, step away from the voice enhancement equipment."