I whipped up some pie crusts from Pioneer Woman's recipe. I am only one pint short of heavy whipping cream to make a sugar cream pie (which would instantly double my husband's love for me). How do I not have heavy whipping cream (or at least half & half) around???
I'm so ashamed.
Come work Halloween for me, you can play with power tools and I'm sure I can hook you up with the guys who do pyro for the stunt shows.
If I didn't have a manuscript due by the end of this month, I would.
Oy, and yes, sending good karma to Sean and S.
Whatever ~ma I have I'm sending your way, Sean & S.
Sean, I'm so sorry for you and S. That's very very scary indeed.
Sending sapphire bullets of pure -ma to Burbank.
Good thoughts and wishes to CA.
Jesus, Sean, my thoughts are with you and S.
Vibes to Southern California, hang in there Sean.
John McCain is "The kind of man whose name you would find on war memorials in small towns across this country, only he came home"? What does that even mean?
I still can't figure out "Country First". I just left it while Michael Steele was speaking and he kept asking "Do you want to put your country first?" And then saying that having choice in where your kids go to school and tax cuts somehow were the answer. That sounds like putting the individual and your family first to me.
I mean, I get why better schools and a better economy mean a stronger country, but he wasn't making the case.
And then there's the whole "which part of Country First has us sending $10 billion to another country every month?"
Sean, I am really sorry. (((((((Sean)))))))
Dear Hulu,
Thank you for TDS. Just watched from 9/2 - I LOVE BRIAN WILLIAMS. Not new news, but god he is funny.
and did any Dems respond to this BS of "take off Repug hat and put on America hat" by saying - HUH, my Dem hat IS AN AMERICAN HAT! When I am stating the beliefs of my party IT IS ALREADY IN THE INTERESTS OF THE COUNTRY!!!!
Man I want to scream at someone.