I love that Dilbert comic Teppy has taped to her monitor, in addition to the COOLNESS! I want that Spider-Man toy.
We had rotini pasta with sun dried tomatoes, butter & garlic. And strawberries--which are well past season but I still found some decent ones in the grocery.
Teppy's computer is a work of art. Amazingly cool.
I want Teppy's Stitch and I posted about my dinner in Bitches. Had to brush my teeth twice already due to the garlicky goodness. There may be a third toothbrushing before bed.
And a plum for dessert. Man, I've been craving shrimp for forever. My reflex was to take advantage of days off and drive up to Malibu and get some from Reel Inn, but this is cheaper. And quite tasty too.
Most of the things I want to do with my spare time involve spending money.
Cool Coilhouse article on Kowloon Walled City - the last pirate utopia.
For fans of Gotham City and China Mieville
I can't believe I missed the Bones premier! And I even saw David Boreanez on Regis and Kelly this morning at the gym and wanted to watch.
Damn. Tivo would have anticipated and recorded it for me. Curse you, TiFaux!
My dinner is gazpacho with crostini and manchego. Viva Espana!
Plus, Ron Perlman
This works for me!
On my walk home, I realized that I'm way more excited about SoA than I thought. Motorcycle clubs are a tricky subject for me, but there's vroom and Northern CA and what promises to be juicy family drama.
Dinner tonight Chili & Beans (all meat purists avert your eyes).Nom Nom. Also attempt at fruit spread - nowhere as good as commercial variety. I'll try again.
Scrambled egg sandwich with fakon. Tasty.