I have a few choice words for Apple right now, if it would help?
I can add a few, too. My PowerBook just went down for the count for the second time in 6 months. I don't know when I'm going to have the time to take it for repairs and I don't know how I'm going to be able to work without it. The last time the logic board went bad, this time? who knows but it is acting exactly the same way...argh!
Owen getting off bus has killed me ded.
Owen getting off bus has killed me ded.
::falls down ded next to GG::
So often I find myself yelling internally at the screen for characters to brush their hair. Raising the Bar is no exception.
Brenda, the public defender brought it up
right after the verdict, and the ADA chick agreed with him after the found the correct perp (which, really, irrelevant, no?). I'd have thought that it'd be another note from the judge that you can't have an associated felony possession charge without an actual felony. Since that's what turned out to be true, no?
I think I actuall squealed out loud at the cute.
It certainly makes more sense that way, ita. In which case
it's a total fuck-up by the judge, rather than her being a (skeezy) asshole. I was totally on her wavelength about MPG by the end though.
Although that kid getting off the bus resembles Owen strongly, that cannot be your baby. He's too old!