9 in browser 1, 23 in browser 2 (across 2 different windows). I'm not sure it's all that unusual.
(OTOH, Chrome's failure to allow me to enter my email addy for OSX updates, plus the comic's interesting quirk of loading the same page 10 times in a row, makes me less than hopeful for the first release...)
Scrappy's Fuck-up Update. Talked to Boss. He has cooled off a bit but is still plenty displeased. Sent a Mea Culpa email to execs, hope it helps. Did NOT mention my eval and will bring it up in a couple of weeks, when I hope heads are cooler.
I try to have a policy of never looking at comments on a newspaper's online edition. That way lies head explosions. But sometimes it's irrestible.
I have no idea why I ever read our editorial blog. It does nothing but show me the icky side of the humans who live in this city. I just want to repost John Donne in every thread.
My (large software) company gets lots o' bashing as well. Deservedly so, I might add. Hell, I might just join in!
Feel free to criticise anywhere I've ever worked, including my next employer, whoever that may be. It's all good.
Constructive crit's fine.
Slashdot-level inanity with little substance, on the other hand, makes me want to bust heads.
It is like the phrase 'lazy government workers', which often gets tossed around when I am around. I am one, I am not lazy and I can't name a lazy one. slow, chickenshit, or easily overwhelmed by bureaucracy , but not lazy.
I can totally understand not wanting to hear knee-jerk insults, whatever the context. Sure sometimes I can turn the other cheek when I hear someone use a stupid stereotype to insult my school, my job, my hometown, my neighborhood, whatever. It happens. Other times it makes me angry.
Shoot, our Internet is out and I'll have to call support. It drives me nuts when my wife calls me at work to have me call support for something at home. Inevitably, they ask me to do something and I have to explain that I can't because I'm not there.
It drives me nuts when my wife calls me at work to have me call support for something at home.
hm. my uncle got that exact same call today.
::notes how odd the universe is, and goes back to festering::
I can't name a lazy one.
I can. Not your co-workers, but some I knew in my last job. And my job before that (at Countrywide) generated lots of knee jerk negativity upon mention, but I guess I just never identified enough with them to care. If you make the criticism about me (and some tried) it was different, but I wasn't working for the SS and it rolled off my back relatively easily.