I can break someone's wrist with my handbag. I consider that useful.
The things in my handbag currently:
2 small notebooks (1 of which is a Moleskein calendar)
Fountain pen
Flash drive
Cell phone
iPod and carrying case with headphones
Compact of translucent powder
2 lipsticks, 1 lipliner
Nail file
Pill case with Aleve
Card case with GCS business cards
Little metal case that holds my vampire fangs (yes, I carry them in my handbag. They amuse me)
Good luck charm
Believe it or not, that is *less* stuff than I used to carry.
Rolled shawl
my checkbook
cash & coin purse
card wallet
zip bag 1: 2 lipsticks, 2 tiny teddy bears, a moss agate pendulum in a velvet bag, emery boards
zip bag 2: tylenol, sufedrine, benadryl, sewing kit, metal tape measure, magnet, magnifying glass, mirror, floss, lip balm
zip bag 3: hand cream, comb
zip bag 4: a larger bag containing smaller zip bags
a. Aleve, foot cream, joint anagesic, bandaids
b. nano, the good ear buds
c. manicure tools, little swiss army knife
d. leather cigarette case containing phone charger
Also, notes, directions, phone numbers
Hard eyeglass case
checkbook for Mom's account
floss leaders for bridgework
spiral notebook
pillbox for daily meds
keys (upstairs and downstairs doors, 2 cars, truck)
foam cozy for waterbottle
oh gosh, I'm afraid to list what is in my bag. not because of it being public, because I'm too afraid to actually look.
Gronk. Am so tired. But I have two hours of interviews starting at 8 am, so I better pull it together.
Had a dream that Obama's running mate was Christian Kane. O-kay. But I woke up just before he gave his speech.
Had a dream that Obama's running mate was Christian Kane.
Obama is reported to be considering Tim Kaine from Virginia, so maybe you were hearing NPR in your sleep.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure that was it. But I think my way is better.
I hope that's what it was, because that would be really funny.
oh wait ,that would be books.Yes, even to vegas.
2, and 3 magazines. Lighter on the back.
but... what if you run out
There are these nifty places called bookstores, and if you give them money, they give you a book to keep! It's the bee's knees.
But if you don't carry your own books, how do you know they'll have a book you want? (I'm enjoying the pack-n-post quite a lot.)
My "purse" these days is a large tote thing. I carry:
phone (in a little case)
Metro card (in another little case tethered to the strap)
card case
cosmetic bag with assorted makeup in it
another case with emery board, kleenex, packets of dried lemon juice, pens, etc.
hand lotion
cuticle cream
cough drops
and, today, a fold-up umbrella
I have 30 pages left in my current book, which is annoying because I'm going out of town and it's a library book. So do I bring it, and finish before I even get on the plane? I guess not -- I guess I leave it here and finish it over the weekend. Annoying!